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Salesville Ohio Pulling Society :o)


Welcome to the SALESVILLE OHIO PULLING SOCIETY :o) web page (or at least a attempt at a web page).  We have a few pics of our trucks and our sled.  Also have some movies that you can download if you want.
Fell free to take a look around.  If you want to get copy of anything just RIGHT CLCK and save to your computer.  Most pics are 800X600 so if you want a closer look at somethng just save to your computer.

If you use kids for weight in your pullsled.  You just might be a REDNECK.


Sorry no video on this one.  Batteries went dead in camcorder.  But we did get a full pull.


Too Much Power?     I THINK NOT!

And rember if it will not fit just hit it with a bigger hammer.

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